Products Changes Impacting China (PCiC)

Active Product Owner: Paul Farley
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
1 Lisa Trinh, Jacqueline Mulder, Lisa Karan, Sara Xiaodan Yang, Padraig O'Mairtin, Crystal Heckendorf, Chen Tan, Heather Wen Jia R&D Randy Schiestl None None
  • Timeline: broad user testing by end of Jan 24 2022 / Go-Live: March 2022
  • 11 issues at customer-testing (email sent for follow up 2/28)
  • PIA Doc: 1102
  • GSM/SPD: Waiting on response
  • Kick-off
    15 Nov 2021 to 22 Nov 2021
  • Design
    13 Dec 2021 to TBD
  • Build
    24 Jan 2022 to TBD
  • Iterate
    07 Feb 2022 to TBD
  • Go-Live Date
    18 Mar 2022

Open Issues


Resolved Issues

