
Active Product Owner: Emili Miller
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
37 Eric Wespi Felipe Correa Netto Kunal Munjal Process Development Luke Christensen Low Low
Felipe Correa Netto created this R project for the extrusion team. He no longer supports it and I said I'd host it on our K8s cluster.
Eric Wespi's team will do any R maintenance.

GSM/SPD: Not Necessary
  • Kick-off
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Design
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Build
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Iterate
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Go-Live Date
    18 May 2021

Open Issues


Resolved Issues



Open Issues

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