
Active Product Owner: Adrienne Bishop
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
3 Safety Net: Irene Sanchez Villalobos , Tim Schnure, Joanne Brooks RDC: Melanie Marion, Nicholas Martin Global Reg Ops None None None
  • PIA Doc: #988
  • GSM Number: 92799616
  • SPD Number: 92799612
  • Country List uploaded = AZ 
  • Literature Review no longer in scope as of September - team unable to support. 
  • LitDx Div Ra Review added in August/September 
  • Kick-off
    TBD to TBD
  • Design
    TBD to TBD
  • Build
    TBD to TBD
  • Iterate
    TBD to TBD
  • Go-Live Date
    15 Feb 2022

Open Issues


Resolved Issues

