Simple Apps Tracker

Active Product Owner: Isaac Helmer
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
6 Prathyush, Traci Operations Strategy & Project Management Paul Martin None None
  • Release 0.4 Pivotal Tickets 
  • Branding (logo)
  • Metrics for all apps - how many visitors, where are they clicking, etc. 
  • PIA Doc Reference No: 940
  • GSM/SPD: Not Necessary
  • Kick-off
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Design
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Build
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Iterate
    01 Jan 2030 to TBD
  • Go-Live Date

Open Issues


Resolved Issues



Open Issues

# Issue Days Passed Status
53 Test Issue 233 Open