Standards Process Application

On Hold Product Owner: Kyle McCracken
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
49 Quality Systems Conor Dolan None None
  • Per Kyle 1/22/21: I will create a value proposition and hopefully find some budget.  In the future (2-5 years) our goals is to somewhat merge the regulatory requirements process with the standards management process. That said, I wanted to check and see if it would be possible to modify the RegMAPS app to include standards and if it would take any less effort than doing them separate.  In my mind, we’d need an almost immediate split within the application: is this a regulation or is this a standard?  Then we should recognize that a lot of the inputs to standards would be different drop down menus.  


01 Jan 2030 to TBD


01 Jan 2030 to TBD


01 Jan 2030 to TBD


01 Jan 2030 to TBD

Projected Go Live Date



# Issue Days Passed Status

Upcoming Milestones

Planned Date Phase Task Deadline Status


All Milestones

Phase Milestone Status Planned Date Actual Date
kickoff Kick-off Meeting - TBD TBD
kickoff User Requirements Document - TBD TBD
kickoff Infrastructure Set Up - TBD TBD
kickoff Process Map - TBD TBD
design User Flows - TBD TBD
design User Stories - TBD TBD
design Feature List - TBD TBD
design Sprint Plan - TBD TBD
design Tests Written (with Success Criteria) - TBD TBD
design Wireframe Review 1 - TBD TBD
design Wireframes Approved - TBD TBD
build Build Sprint 1 - TBD TBD
build Build Sprint 1 Complete - TBD TBD
build Test Link Delivered - TBD TBD
iterate Customer Feedback Review 1 - TBD TBD
iterate Iterate Sprint 1 - TBD TBD
iterate Iterate Sprint 1 Complete - TBD TBD
iterate UAT - TBD TBD
iterate Build Approved (Final Sign-Off) - TBD TBD
sustain Production Link Delivered - TBD TBD
sustain Go-Live - TBD TBD
sustain 1 Month Follow Up - TBD TBD
sustain 3 Month Follow Up - TBD TBD
sustain 6 Month Follow Up - TBD TBD
sustain Sustain Sprint 1 - TBD TBD
sustain Sustain Sprint 1 Complete - TBD TBD