Active Product Owner: Robin Warms
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
7 Marie Riese Operations Strategy & Project Management Paul Martin None None
  • PIA Doc Reference No: 906
  • Outstanding items: Kirby edits show as Steve & split scoring issues
  • Need roadmap of features - Marie to set up weekly meetings in March to establish requirements and features
  • Simple Apps to determine how to address global and site level projects. 
  • Kick-off
    12 Nov 2020 to 18 Jan 2021
  • Design
    15 Oct 2020 to 25 Jan 2021
  • Build
    25 Jan 2021 to 29 Jan 2021
  • Iterate
    05 Feb 2021 to 22 Jul 2021
  • Go-Live Date
    23 Jul 2021

Open Issues


Resolved Issues

