Active Product Owner: KaMae Iniguez
Priority Team Group VP Value Effort Notes
30 Ibhina Sherchan, Katy Peterson Global Reg Ops Katy Peterson None None
  • Pivotal Tickets
  • Dashboard Metrics (similar to Components)
  • Phase II - Radio Frequency Add on (updates to dashboard, country page and database info upload) - No timeline on this - priority is DisCo
  • PIA Doc Reference No: 935
  • GSM Number: 92799616
  • SPD Number: 92799612
  • Kick-off
    08 Aug 2019 to 23 Sep 2019
  • Design
    03 Sep 2019 to 23 Sep 2019
  • Build
    23 Sep 2019 to 02 Oct 2019
  • Iterate
    10 Oct 2019 to 06 Oct 2020
  • Go-Live Date
    12 Oct 2020

Open Issues


Resolved Issues

